Friday, September 2, 2011


"If I knew that the world should end tomorrow, I would plant an apple tree today."

                                                                               -Martin Luther

Our house came with four apple trees.  I love the cheerful red among the green leaves.  We don't know what variety apple they bear (red ones, slightly sweet and a bit tart, small to medium size), and they are not nearly as attractive to look at as the ones you find in the supermarket.  But they speak of promises.  They whisper of delightful things in our future - apple crisp, apple sauce, apple butter and maybe even apple strudel.  And those are some of the nicest words we will be thinking about in the next two weeks or so.

1 comment:

  1. They look like Stayman or possibly Stayman Winesaps to me....

    My Dad's favorite. You made me think of him today, gone 24 years now but how he loved to bite into a Stayman Winesap.

