Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome, February

In this, our second winter here in New England, we still don't quite know what to expect of the weather.  Last year we lived in town and enjoyed lots of snow, many days off school and many days of sledding, skating and digging snow caves in the yard.

This winter we only had one snowstorm rivalling several of those last year, and that came on Halloween.  Since then it's been a few inches here, a dusting there, and much icing, sleeting and rain in between.

I for one am still hopeful that winter will still get here and provide us with more snow fun.  I'm still in the mood for some skating and sledding and skiing before heading back out into the garden.

The late afternoon sun trying to break through the clouds

the pond ice is melting

light reflecting off the wet road

do I spy some blue above the neighbor's house?

Aaah, yes, there it is

Then again, that blue sky could convince me that I'm ready for spring...

So I'm resolving to ward off the typical February mid-winter blues.  This year, instead of letting the weather influence my moods, I am going to set out to find the beauty in it.  It can be a challenge in this climate, but it's on!  Join me if you wish, and let me know in the comments how you are stopping the blues from creeping in at this time of year.


  1. Love these pictures! I'm sure the pleasure of looking at them should help against winter blues!

  2. Thank you, Martine. I hope they will!
