Monday, May 28, 2012

Sheep and Wool

Perhaps I should begin this post with the explanation that our younger child has been on extended leave from school since mid-April, leaving little time for anything but a little schoolwork, gardening, concerts and other various seasonal activities, and of course living.  So it's time to catch up, don't you think?

May is fair season for us as I and at least one sidekick (usually the younger one, she who loves sheep and sheep dogs) travel to savor all the sights and sounds to be had around fiber animals and the people who work with them.  Some favorite pictures:

These two got a lot of attention and compliments for their colorful outfits.

A young and slightly over-eager border collie named Bonnie.  Her handler uses 4-6 sheepdogs at a time to move his herds.

Possibly my favorite sheep picture ever.

Sheep contests are still a complete mystery to me.  We had a good time at this one because that little ewe on the left was very, very vocal and had the audience laughing.  Sheep for entertainment, who knew?

Some of the vendors had lovely, original pieces.  We came away with four skeins of yarn for socks, handwarmers and a scarf.  The last two projects will be knitted in angora, which feels like you put your hand in a cloud of softness.  Yum!

Memorial Day weekend is usually the first time in the year that we make an outdoor fire, so I will leave you with this picture (just add the smores in your mind):

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